Sunday, March 13, 2011


 I haven't been on in a long time.
 So I read 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer. It was.... wow. Very creative and unique! Way differrent from Twilight.
 And I guess Steph's writing a second one too. Awesome!
 So I FIANALLY got 'Shadow Souls' and I have started it. This should be interesting, Elena, Matt, and Damon in a car to save Stefan. Wonderful mix there.
 I also got 'The Hunger Games'. It's supposed to be a really awesome series aparently.
 I've been wanting to read 'Wondrous Strange' for a while too. And guess what? Apparently it's at my library. How did I miss it???
 Nothing beats this though- 'City of Fallen Angels'. Less than a month, and OMG I'm freaking out. I still have yet to pre-order it, but I saved some Christmas money specially for this. APRIL 5 EVERYBODY!!!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

 I haven't been on in a while, been real busy.
 So after I finished The Forbidden Game trilogy (Which i absolutely adored!!!!) I wanted to head straight to the library for Shadow Souls! But sadly, someone has it out.... *tear*
 So I didn't really know what to read, since I wasn't in the mood for Harry Potter. So I decided to try Sarah Dessen books, by reading 'Along for the Ride'. And I'm sorry, I just couldn't finish it. It was going way too slow. Plus I really hate her bitchy mother.
 I ended up bringing it back to the library, and then I got 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer. It's really good, and I can tell some big things are going to happen!
 So yah, the provincials skating competition is being held in my hometown this weekened!!! YES!!! It's gonna be awesome!!

 Anyways, wish me luck in the competition!

 -Chelsey :)