So I read 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer. It was.... wow. Very creative and unique! Way differrent from Twilight.
And I guess Steph's writing a second one too. Awesome!
So I FIANALLY got 'Shadow Souls' and I have started it. This should be interesting, Elena, Matt, and Damon in a car to save Stefan. Wonderful mix there.
I also got 'The Hunger Games'. It's supposed to be a really awesome series aparently.
I've been wanting to read 'Wondrous Strange' for a while too. And guess what? Apparently it's at my library. How did I miss it???Nothing beats this though- 'City of Fallen Angels'. Less than a month, and OMG I'm freaking out. I still have yet to pre-order it, but I saved some Christmas money specially for this. APRIL 5 EVERYBODY!!!!